
Unified communications (UC) is a business communication solution that helps employees be more productive, collaborate and interact with each other more easily and quickly.

What is Unified Communications?

Unified Communications (UC) is a set of technologies that bring together voice and data communications to deliver a single, unified experience. UC combines all the features you need, such as voice calls, instant messaging and presence awareness into one system. UC can also include video calling, desktop sharing and online meeting tools to make your business more productive by providing an even greater level of communication with your colleagues or clients.

This article will explain what UC is in more detail so you know whether it’s something that could be useful for your business or not.

Why UC?

There are many reasons why businesses should use unified communications. The biggest benefits of UC include:

  • Better communication and collaboration, including video conferencing, instant messaging, desktop sharing and more. This can help to improve productivity by enabling employees to work together more effectively on projects across different locations or time zones.
  • Cost savings. Businesses using UC can potentially save money thanks to lower costs associated with making calls and sending emails compared with traditional methods of communication such as faxing or mailing documents. Many vendors provide cloud-based solutions that require no hardware investment so there's no need for expensive upgrades or maintenance fees either!
  • Time savings - whether an employee is working from home or travelling around the world they'll still be able to connect instantly with colleagues via voice/video calls; this means less time spent waiting around for responses when asking questions during meetings etcetera

What makes a good UC solution?

Your UC solution should meet the following criteria:

  • Ability to integrate with other systems. The ability for your UC solution to integrate with other systems is essential for you to be able to provide your employees with a consistent user experience across all of their devices. For example, if you're already using Salesforce and Box in your organization, it would be incredibly beneficial if those tools could integrate seamlessly with your UC platform so that you don't have to worry about providing multiple user interfaces.
  • Ability to scale. Your UC solution needs to be able to grow alongside your business as it continues growing larger over time (and perhaps even splits into multiple offices). The last thing you want is having spent thousands on a software package only for it not being able to scale as needed when new employees are hired or when departments need additional features added on top of existing ones!
  • Provide a good user experience (UX). It's important that any new tool that becomes integrated into an employee's workflow is designed so as not only ease communication among colleagues but also improve productivity within teams overall - especially since many workers now spend 90%+ of their day working remotely rather than being inside traditional office environments where face-to-face contact with others may occur more often than usual due simply by virtue of proximity alone!

Get the technology your business needs to grow.

Unified communications is a technology that allows you to communicate with your employees, customers and partners in a more efficient way. UC is based on four main technologies:

  • Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • Instant messaging (IM)
  • Presence information (presence)
  • Collaboration tools such as video conferencing and desktop sharing


UC is a great tool for increasing productivity and streamlining communication. It’s also a great way to make sure that your employees can get the help they need when they need it. This technology can help you increase efficiency and avoid bottlenecks in your business. For more information on how UC can benefit your business, click here.